
Once the server has been correctly installed, you must add LMS's and WIMS servers on WIMS-LTI through the Administration Panel. To add WIMS servers, your must first configure it to accept WIMS-LTI requests.


In order for a WIMS server to accept WIMS-LTI requests, you have to create a connection file. The creation of this file is explained here.

It is important to add the IP address of the WIMS-LTI server to the ident_site key and not the IP of the LMS. Remember the value of the ident_password and the name of the created file, you will need these to add the server to WIMS-LTI.


  1. Go to the administration panel by connecting to [WIMS-LTI SERVEUR]/admin/ and enter the administration account login and password that you entered when you installed the server (you can create a new one by running python3 createsuperuser).

  2. Click on LMS (or go to [WIMS-LTI SERVEUR]/admin/lti_app/lms/)

  3. Click ADD LMS in the top left and fill the form:

    • GUID : GUID of the LMS corresponding to the tool_consumer_instance_guid parameter of the LTI request. Most of the time, it is the DNS of the LMS. For example: See below for a way to retrieve get your GUID.
    • Name : Name that identifies the LMS, for example: Moodle UPEM.
    • URL : URL of the LMS, for example:
    • key: Key that you'll need to enter on the LMS when creating a LTI activity.
    • secret: Secret that you'll need to enter on the LMS when creating a LTI activity.

Repeat 3. for each LMS that you want to add.

  1. Go back to [WIMS-LTI SERVEUR]/admin/ and click on wims (or go to [WIMS-LTI SERVEUR]/admin/lti_app/wims/)

  2. Click ADD WIMS in the top left, and fill the form:

    • Name : Name to identify the WIMS server, ex: WIMS UPEM.
    • URL : URL of the WIMS server, ex: `
    • Default student limit : Default limit of student if custom_class_limit is not provided in the LTI request.
    • Default duration : Default duration before a class' expiration if custom_class_expiration is not provided in the LTI request.
    • Ident : Name of the connection file created on the WIMS server. For example, if the file created was [WIMS_HOME]/log/classes/.connections/myself, enter myself.
    • Passwd : Value of the key ident_password of the configuration file Ident.
    • Rclass : Identifiers used by WIMS-LTI to create classes on the WIMS server, for example: myclass.
    • Allowed LMS : Select the LMS allowed to connect to this WIMS server (use CTRL + click to select more than one).

Repeat 5. for each WIMS server that you want to add.

Get your LMS' GUID

If you cannot find the GUID of your LMS, and if LTI is enable, a good way to get it is to create an LTI activity with the following parameters:

  • URL :
  • Key : 12345
  • Secret : secret

The activity will redirect you on a webpage displaying the value of each LTI parameters, including tool_consumer_instance_guid, which correspond to your LMS' GUID.