
Continuous testing

Tests are executed weekly on Github Actions against Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 and the latest version of WIMS. You can find these tests here.

Running the tests locally

A running WIMS instance

To run the tests of WIMS-LTI, you will need a running WIMS instance. Since classes will be created with fixed ID, it is recommended to use a newly-created instance for each run of the test suite.

/!\ Never run the tests against a *WIMS production server as the tests can mess-up with its database.***

To facilitate the installation (and reload between each run) of a new WIMS instance, a docker image with a minimal installation has been created : qcoumes/wims-minimal.

You can install it and run a docker instance on localhost:7777 using the following commands :

docker run -itd --cpuset-cpus=$(($(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -e "processor\s*:\s*\d*" | wc -l) - 1)) -p 7777:80 --name wims-minimal qcoumes/wims-minimal
docker exec -i wims-minimal ./bin/apache-config
docker exec -i wims-minimal service apache2 restart

To reset the WIMS instance (assuming you didn't change the --name argument), use the following commands :

docker container rm wims-minimal -f
docker run -itd --cpuset-cpus=$(($(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -e "processor\s*:\s*\d*" | wc -l) - 1)) -p 7777:80 --name wims-minimal qcoumes/wims-minimal
docker exec -it wims-minimal ./bin/apache-config
docker exec -it wims-minimal service apache2 restart

/!\ Do not forget to reset your WIMS instance between each run of the test suite.

Using django manage.py

With a WIMS instance running, can now run the tests in two ways, the first one being using django manage.py.

This will execute the tests against your current environment, so you need to have installed the dependencies beforehand.

To run the tests, simply use the command django manage.py test at the root of the project.

Using tox

tox create a python environment in which the dependencies from requirements.txt will be automatically installed before running the tests inside said environment.

tox is not listed as a dependency for the project, so you will need to install it using your package manager or pip: pip3 install tox.

To run the tests using tox use the commands python3 -m tox at the root of the project.

In the unlikely case you have multiple versions of python 3 installed, you may need to tell tox which one to use to avoid the tests running on both version (and thus failing due to the WIMS instance not being restarted in between). For that, use the option -e py[version] where version is the concatenation of the major and minor number of the version you want to use, e.g. python3 -m tox -e py39 for python 3.9.

Additional information


The default URL used by the tests to communicate with WIMS is http://localhost:7777/wims/wims.cgi, but you can change it by setting the environment variable WIMS_URL :

WIMS_URL=http://my_wims.server/wims/wims.cgi python3 manage.py test


WIMS_URL=http://my_wims.server/wims/wims.cgi python3 -m tox

Test failing unexpectedly

For some unknown reason, the communication with the WIMS server can fail sometime